Who are we?

*existential crisis mode*

Once upon a time, four pixies got really annoyed with the magic book. There was just one spell that was missing.

Now the easy solution would have been to just create that spell and appeal to the council, but that wasn’t really their style. They went ahead and established an entirely new magic school (watch out, Hogwarts) and called it Marketing Minds.

I could give you the whole syllabus but I think our constitutional assembly can explain away our raison d’etre better:

Marketing is not just advertising, people! There’s a reason there are 4 Ps. When is the last time you saw someone sticking price tags on furniture with an acute desire that it be nationally televised?” – Ms. Chanandler Bong

“Psychology and marketing are deeply connected, so my vote is on exploring that. Also, I might have a tiny crush on Sigmund Freud that is in no way related to my suggestion.” -Kim Possible

I saw a chicken nuggets commercial at lunch time and- you guessed it- immediately ordered it. If they play with my emotions, you bet I’m gonna write about it.” -Rabble Rouser

“There are so many important issues we must analyze from the point of view of marketing, like is sustainability a marketing gimmick, the casual sexism normalized by ads, the way branding is changing in the age of cancel culture, and- Hey! Don’t take the mic away from me! Anyway, we’re going to be talking about all these important- HEY!” -Bubbles

“The future! Look towards the future. It’s bright and shiny and I see Marketing. We’re headed towards the end of the tunnel, passengers. Buckle up!” ­-Ele

We are very excited to be launching Marketing Minds, the first student association of ESCP Business School, entirely focused on marketing. Our mission is to explore, discuss and promote the latest marketing ideas, provide industry insights into the growing marketing trends, and bring you the latest marketing news and analyses from all over the world. We strongly believe in the positive connection between educational institutions and companies, in order to bring students closer to the world of marketing. Stay tuned for more!


Coffee Chat With Lavazza